Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Unit 5 Reflection

This unit was all about DNA, protein synthesis, the types of mutations and genetic regulation. We learned a lot about DNA, but some things that were key is that DNA has 4 bases of A,T,C,G and that the structure is a double helix. Protein Synthesis is the process for the production of proteins. The first step in protein synthesis is when the RNA polymerase copies the DNA into a RNA strand. This process is called transcription. Then the mRNA leaves the nucleus to try and find a ribosome. The ribosome reads the mRNA at a rate of 3 letters, which is called a codon. The codons are translating into the language of amino acids. The amino acids code for a protein. This is called translation. That chain of amino acids that is made is then called a protein. The types of mutations are point mutations and also frameshift mutations. Point mutations, which include substitution, happen in one area of the gene sequence. Frameshift mutations, which include insertion and deletion, shift the gene sequence for the reader. Gene regulation is when the genes prevents itself from being copied by the RNA polymerase. My strengths for this unit is understanding protein synthesis because I have learned this process before and it Mr. Orre's lessons really helped reinforce the process in my mind. One weakness that I have is understanding gene regulation. The reason for this was I was confused while watching the vodcast, but now I have a better understanding after Mr. Orre's diagram. I am a better student than before the unit because I learned about protein synthesis, mutations and also gene regulation in more detail. Now I can tell people how the processes work. Some things that I want to learn more about is the detail in gene regulation for eukaryotes. I wonder about how detailed gene regulation can get.

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