Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Unit 8 Reflection

This unit was all about evolution. We dove deep into the topic of evolution and how different ecosystems are effected by evolution. Some of the main topics that we learned this unit was artificial selection, natural selection and the formation of earth. Artificial selection is when humans select traits from a population's variation that they want, and they will only mate individuals in the population that have that certain trait. Natural Selection is a process that weeds out the traits that don't help an individual survive, leaving the organisms that have the most useful traits. The difference between natural selection and artificial selection is that artificial selection is decided by humans while natural selection is all about survival of the fittest with no outside influence.We also learned about allele frequency. Allele frequency is defined as how common an allele is in a population. In order to calculate the allele frequency, you need to divide the total number of time the allele pops up in the gene pool by the total number of alleles. Then you get the percentage of how common that allele is. We also learned about the formation of Earth. What I learned is that the Earth has evolved so much over time, that the time that the humans have been on Earth adds up a very tiny amount in the cosmic year. Earth has gone through many different phases and we are just at the very tip of it. Some questions that I still have are, why did the sequence of events regarding the formation of Earth occur in the way that they did? In my Unit 7 Reflection, I talked about assertiveness and I think that I have definitely improved on my skills, but I still need some work. For example, in my engineering class, we were doing a reverse engineering project. Our project was close to finishing, but we were running out of time, so I decided to speak up and assign my group the last different parts that we needed to complete for our poster and for our product. I set up times in which my group could meet during tutorial and lunch, and we got it done within the time limit that we had. I think that looking back, I have improved, but there is definitely room for improvement.
Artificial Selection Ex. Poodles

Natural Selection

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