Thursday, May 26, 2016

20 Time Final Post

In this 20 Time Project, I had to make a presentation to my class about what I accomplished and my whole process for this project. I had to dig up my data from my experiment and that was my proof that I had a physical product. However, keep in mind that I did not finish my experiment just yet, so the data is incomplete.
This was my data for my on going experiment which showed their before and after blood pressure reading and also the change in blood pressure (shown as a percent).
I felt that my TED talk went pretty well, even though I was nervous. I thought that I had grabbed the viewers attention the whole time and that my presentation was interesting and informational. Some things that I could have done better was practicing a few more times, so when I went up to speak I would not have to stutter to try and find the right words. However, not everything went badly. Somethings that I think that I did well was that I did not have any text on my slide, so I was the driving force for my presentation. After looking at the video, which is attached below, I think that I would have given myself a 73/75 or 74/75 because I stuttered a bit too much. This is a problem because I could lose some of my viewer's attention. I am definitely much more comfortable talking in front of my peers because I feel like now I know how to prepare for a talk, so I do not get nervous and stutter. Also, this presentation allowed me to understand how important it is for the speaker to be the driving force in the presentation and not your visual aid. The knowledge that I gained from this presentation is something that I can use in the future with projects like these. 

Another to add is that listening to all my peers talking about their project was really nice because in 20 Time students can explore their interests. Every presentation was different, so that really helped keep the viewers attention because there is always something new that you can learn.

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