Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Unit 10 Relfection

In this unit we learned a lot about the human body. We learned about the systems in our body that allow us to carry out our life functions. The first systems that we learned was the Circulatory and Respiratory systems. These two systems work together to maintain homeostasis. The major functions of the circulatory system are transporting blood, gasses, and nutrients, maintaining body temperature, separating oxygen poor and rich blood. The Respiratory System delivers oxygen from inhaled air to blood. The next system that we learned is the Nervous System. We learned about the PNS and the CNS and their jobs. For example, the brain has four parts that process: the cerebrum that controls thought, movement, emotion, diencephalon: coordinates with the endocrine system. cerebellum: subconscious, calculates force/direction of muscle contraction, determines body position, and the brain stem: controls basic life functions like some reflexes, breathing, heart functions, swallow, cough. The endocrine system is a system made up of glands that produce or secrete(release) hormones that regulate activity of cells/ organs. Next, we learned about the digestive system. The digestive system is the process of breaking down the food molecules, which is then absorbed into the body. Finally, we learned about the Immune System. The immune system is basically the process of fighting foreign diseases and infections. There are three different nonspecific defenses for the immune system. These include the skin, mucus and then the low pH. The immune system targets, attacks and then kills pathogens when they are dealing with specific diseases. Lastly, we learned about the Lymphatic System and Inflammations. The lymphatic system is a system of tubes and sacs throughout body that collect waste/blood from tissues, otherwise known as a lymph. This clears waste, first line of defense when you start to get sick, use muscles to pump waste out, and catch cancer before it has a chance of getting through. We also learned about chronic systemic inflammation, which always fight foreign substances on top of its normal inflammatory response. However, when you body always needs to fight foreign substances, the systemic inflammation can contribute to many diseases.

Some things that I would like to know more about is how we are similar to other animals and which animals are more similar to us than others.

Since this is my last post, I think that the thing that I have improved on the most is the fact that I have learned how to elaborate on what I am writing, and not just saying what I did without detail. Here is the link to my second unit reflection. This reflection does not have any detail to what we learned in class.

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